Ultra sound for Ultra-Profits
Renco products are designed to increase the profitability and operating efficiency for meat producers. Our products provide the user the knowledge necessary to better control the use of feed additives and determine body conditioning which reduces overall cost and increases the quality of your meat product.
Renco pioneered the patenting and manufacturing of ultrasonic devices for agriculture and has been doing so for over 40 years. We value our partnerships with farmers, universities and IT experts to keep our product line on the cutting edge of technological efficiency. Our success is due to the proven quality, accuracy and durability of our renowned products which have been consistently recognized for excellence in published studies by institutions throughout the world.
When considering initial investment, cost of maintenance, cost of use and return on investment – Renco products are the most cost effective instruments available. The durability of our products and suitability to their intended purpose is attested to by the fact that our service records indicate many instruments made in the 1970’s are still in active use.
The ability of our products to perform effectively and at an affordable cost accounts for the tens of thousands that have been sold. Renco products are arguably the most popular instruments for their intended application in the marketplace today. Thus we have coined the trademark “Ultrasound for Ultraprofits”.

Mammal Pregnancy Detection
Measure backfat, loin muscle and breast.